"The Rifting"
Forthcoming from Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review
"Free Rat"
Atticus Review
Deep Overstock
“Can You Please Tell Me Where is the Sorry Sauce“
Flash Fiction Magazine
Chicago Quarterly Review
Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review
“Report on the Incidents near Fissure 8”
Hawai’i Pacific Review
“Partly Cloudy with a Chance for Joy”
Burningword Literary Journal
“Well Done, Middle School Administrators”
Cincinnati Review: Micro
Nominated for 2020 Best Microfiction Anthology
and 2020 Best of the Net
Aquifer: The Florida Review Online
“Weird Plots for Strange Stories: Alternatives to Conventional Plot Structure”
Numéro Cinq
Julie Jones writes fiction and works as a law librarian. Her short stories have been nominated for Best Microfiction and Best of the Net, and honored as contest finalists by River Styx and f(r)iction. For fun, she ponders the nature of reality, learns new languages, and plays Zelda. She has shared her home and heart with numerous beings, both with and without fur, but for the moment, contents herself with tending the moss that grows around her house in Connecticut.
She would love to hear from you. Contact her here.
Photo: Adrianne Mathiowetz Photography